Buy jicama online

Buy jicama online

Discover the versatile and delicious jicama with our comprehensive guide! Jicama, also known as Mexican turnip or yam bean, is a crunchy and slightly sweet root vegetable that is widely used in Mexican and South American cuisine. Rich in fiber and low in calories, jicama is a popular ingredient in salads, salsas, and stir-fries. In this guide, you will learn about the cultural significance of jicama, its nutritional benefits, and how to incorporate it into your cooking. We will provide you with a variety of jicama recipes, recommended equipment for preparing jicama, detailed cooking instructions, and suggest related products and recipes to enhance your culinary experience. Whether you are a seasoned chef or a novice cook, our jicama guide has something for everyone to enjoy!

Top 2 products for Jicama




Jicama, a healthy, low-calorie root vegetable native to Mexico, is rich in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants, making it an excellent choice for a nutrient-dense diet. Its sweet, nutty flavor, and crunchy texture make it ideal for Asian dishes like stir-frys and salads. If it's frozen, convenience is enhanced, maintaining its nutritional values and eliminating preparation time.

$3.29 - $6.99
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Jicama, a healthy, low-calorie root vegetable native to Mexico, is rich in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants, making it an excellent choice for a nutrient-dense diet. Its sweet, nutty flavor, and crunchy texture make it ideal for Asian dishes like stir-frys and salads. If it's frozen, convenience is enhanced, maintaining its nutritional values and eliminating preparation time.

$2.49 - $3.99
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Popular recipes

Jicama Stir Fry

This stir fry combines crunchy jicama with classic Asian flavors for a quick and delicious meal.

Jicama and Tofu Rice Cooker Casserole

This casserole made in a rice cooker is a hearty and flavorful dish that is perfect for a weeknight dinner.

Instant Pot Jicama and Mushroom Soup

Warm up with this comforting soup made in an Instant Pot, featuring jicama and mushrooms in a savory broth.

Jicama near me

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Frequently asked questions

What is jicama?

Jicama is a root vegetable that is similar in texture to a water chestnut and has a slightly sweet and nutty flavor.

What's the correct spelling for jicama?

The correct spelling is jicama, and a common misspelling is jacama.

Can you eat the skin of jicama?

No, the skin of jicama is tough and should be peeled before eating.

What are some recipes that use jicama?

Jicama can be used in salads, slaws, stir-fries, and even as a crunchy topping for tacos or sandwiches.

How do I know if a jicama is ripe?

A ripe jicama will feel heavy for its size and have a firm texture. Avoid jicamas that are soft or have dark spots.

Is jicama a good substitute for potatoes?

Jicama can be a lower-carb alternative to potatoes in many recipes, but it has a different texture and flavor profile.

Can you freeze jicama?

Yes, jicama can be frozen for up to 6 months. Simply peel and cut it into desired shapes before freezing.

Are there any culinary traditions associated with jicama?

Jicama is commonly used in Mexican cuisine, where it is often served with lime juice, chili powder, and salt as a snack.

How can I tell if jicama is bad?

A bad jicama will have a foul odor, soft spots, or signs of mold. It is best to discard it if it appears spoiled.

How do I prepare jicama?

Jicama can be peeled, sliced, and eaten raw or cooked. It is often used in salads, salsas, and stir-fries.

Is jicama good for you?

Yes, jicama is low in calories and high in fiber, making it a healthy and nutritious addition to your diet.

How should I store jicama?

Jicama should be stored in a cool, dark place away from moisture. Once peeled, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Is jicama the same as yam bean?

Yes, jicama is also known as yam bean or Mexican turnip.

Can I cook jicama?

Yes, jicama can be cooked by boiling, steaming, or roasting. It can also be used in soups and stews.

How can I incorporate jicama into my diet?

Try adding jicama to salads, slaws, stir-fries, or enjoying it as a crunchy snack with dip.

Is jicama a good source of vitamins and minerals?

Yes, jicama is rich in vitamin C, fiber, and potassium, making it a healthy addition to your diet.

Where can I buy jicama?

You can buy it at Weee! Asian Market,