Silk Chicken

Top 4 products for Silk Chicken


#1 Wingtat Silkie Black Chicken, Frozen

Wingtat Silkie Black Chicken, Frozen

Wingtat Silkie Black Chicken, Frozen

Wingtat Silkie Black Chicken is a prime choice for anyone seeking Silk Chicken dishes. It's easily used in Asian recipes like samgyetang, offering a distinctive, tender taste, rich in flavor. Buying it frozen allows for long-term, convenient storage and immediate preparation when needed. A great source of lean protein, this chicken promotes healthy eating. A perfect pick for Silk Chicken enthusiasts!

$12.99 - $14.99
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#2 Farm Fed Buddhist Style Silkie Chicken, Frozen 2-2.2 lb

Farm Fed Buddhist Style Silkie Chicken, Frozen 2-2.2 lb

Farm Fed Buddhist Style Silkie Chicken, Frozen 2-2.2 lb

This item is perfect for those looking to cook Asian delicacies with Silkie chicken; popular in soups and broths due to its rich, creamy flavor and believed health benefits. Buying it frozen provides convenience, as you can store it for longer periods. Raised in a farm fed Buddhist style, it assures quality and healthiness.


#3 Young Silky Chicken, Female, HOFO, Premium Frozen

Young Silky Chicken, Female, HOFO, Premium Frozen

Young Silky Chicken, Female, HOFO, Premium Frozen

This high-quality Young Silky Chicken is ideal for your Asian culinary needs. Being female and HOFO, it assures delicate flavor and tender meat, perfect for soup or stir-fry dishes. Frozen, it offers long shelf life and convenience, letting you prepare authentic Asian dishes anytime. Rich in nutrients, it's a wholesome choice for a balanced diet. Enjoy the unique, velvety taste straight from your kitchen. Enjoy delicious, healthy, and traditional Asian delicacies with ease.

$15.99 - $16.99
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#4 New American Frozen Royal Chicken

New American Frozen Royal Chicken

New American Frozen Royal Chicken

This product is ideal for those who love succulent "Silk Chicken". It's part of numerous Asian dishes, like chicken stir-fry and chicken curry. The flavor is simply delicious, maintaining the authentic taste of silky chicken. Frozen chicken is extra convenient, saving meal preparation time and preventing spoilage. And, it's a wholesome, high-protein choice, supporting a balanced diet. Perfect for tasty Asian cuisine.

$15.99 - $19.99
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