Star Apple (Caimito) delivery

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Where to buy Star Apple fruit? Also known as caimito or Chrysophyllum cainito, is a tropical fruit native to the Caribbean and Central America but also cultivated in Southeast Asia and other tropical regions. The fruit gets its name from its unique star-shaped core when sliced horizontally. Get this tasty fruit delivered to your doorstep from Weee! with free shipping available. Discover purple star apple varieties on Weee!

Top 2 products for Starapple


Caimito Star Apple, Frozen

Caimito Star Apple, Frozen

Starapple, an exotic fruit well-loved in Asian cuisine, is the key element in the frozen Caimito Star Apple. With its unique sweet-tart flavor, it can make tangy desserts or add a tropical twist to curries. Frozen, it's a time-saver, ready to use without needing ripening or prep. Packed with beneficial nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants, it's a healthy choice too. Ideal for Asian fruit or curry dishes, the Caimito Star Apple elevates your culinary experience.

$6.49 - $7.99
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Air-shipped Caimito Star Apple

Air-shipped Caimito Star Apple

Enjoy the exotic flavor of Caimito Star Apple, sourced from high-quality orchards and air-shipped for freshness. Experience its sweet, slightly tart flavor that adds depth to various Asian desserts. Convenient in frozen form, ensuring longevity and avoiding spoilage. Rich in vitamins C and A, it enhances immune function and eye health. Perfect for fruit-lovers seeking nutritious, exotic flavors. Ideal for recipes like star apple sorbet, salad or compote. Find it under Starapple.

$9.99 - $12.99
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Popular recipes

Starapple Coconut Rice

Enjoy a delicious blend of sweet starapple and creamy coconut in this easy rice cooker recipe.

Instant Pot Starapple Chicken

Tender chicken cooked with starapple for a unique and flavorful dish made in no time with an instant pot.

Stir Fried Starapple and Tofu

A satisfying stir fry combining starapple and tofu with asian flavors cooked to perfection in a stir fry pan.

Starapple near me

Buy your favorite starapple online with free delivery. Weee! has nation wide free shipping options with low minimums. Order starapple near you and enjoy on-demand, contactless free delivery. Our asian market has no markups and prices are most often cheaper than retail stores. Thousands of families rely on Weee! to get fresh food ingredients to their home for cooking dinner. Find the biggest nearby selection of Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, Filipino, or Indian food.

Frequently asked questions

What is starapple?

Starapple is a tropical fruit with a sweet and creamy flesh, often used in cooking and desserts.

Is starapple healthy?

Starapple is a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as dietary fiber.

How do you pick a ripe starapple?

Choose a starapple that is firm but gives slightly to pressure, with a fragrant smell.

Can you freeze starapple?

Yes, you can freeze starapple by cutting it into slices or cubes and storing it in an airtight container.

Can you eat the skin of starapple?

No, the skin of starapple is not edible and should be removed before eating.

What are the health benefits of starapple?

Starapple is rich in antioxidants and can help improve digestion and boost the immune system.

Can you make starapple juice?

Yes, you can blend starapple with water or coconut water to make a refreshing and nutritious juice.

Where can I buy starapple?

You can buy it at Weee! Asian Market,

How do you eat starapple?

Starapple can be eaten fresh by simply cutting it open and scooping out the flesh with a spoon.

What does starapple taste like?

Starapple has a sweet and tangy flavor, similar to a mix of pear and pineapple.

Can you cook with starapple?

Yes, starapple can be used in both sweet and savory dishes, such as salads, desserts, and curries.

Is starapple the same as cainito?

Yes, starapple is also known as cainito or caimito in some regions.

Are starapple seeds edible?

No, starapple seeds are not edible and should be discarded.

How long does starapple last?

Starapple can be stored at room temperature for up to a week, or in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

What are some recipes that use starapple?

Starapple can be used in smoothies, fruit salads, ice cream, jams, and even seafood dishes for added sweetness.