Top 2 products for Vải


Chinese Fei Zi Xiao Lychees

Chinese Fei Zi Xiao Lychees

Fei Zi Xiao Lychees are ideal for those seeking Vải, which is Vietnamese for lychee. These succulent tropical fruits delight with their floral, slightly tart flavor, merging seamlessly into Asian gastronomies like fruit salads or sweet dessert soups. Frozen lychees are handy as they offer an all-year-round access, high nutritional value and convenience of pre-seeded fruits. Known for high vitamin C content, lychees will contribute to your health. A perfect pick for Vải lovers!


Shirakiku Lychee Seedless Whole Can

Shirakiku Lychee Seedless Whole Can

Lychee, known as 'Vải' in Vietnamese, is a delicious, delicate fruit often used in Asian dishes. This canned variety makes adding natural, sweet-sharp flavor to meals a breeze. Use it in Vietnamese desserts or refreshing lychee cocktails for a tantalizing taste. Perfect for those ensuring healthful choices without compromises on taste.

$4.99 - $6.29
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