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Vegan Leezen Organic Dried Large Jujubes


Grown in the high-temperature and high-temperature climate of the arid areas of the Yellow River basin, the red dates from Liren are of excellent quality, full and plump, with a deep red color and a sweet and delicious taste. Liren's organic red dates have undergone inspection by international organic certification organizations. They are imported in individual containers, stored in a refrigerated environment after arriving in the country, and undergo testing for pesticide residues, sulfur dioxide, and heavy metal safety levels, ensuring they are safe for consumption.

Originating from Northern Shaanxi
Liren's red dates come from the Northern Shaanxi region, which is characterized by dry and sunny weather with significant temperature variations. The red dates grown in this area are of excellent quality, full and plump, with a deep red color and a sweet and delicious taste. After careful selection, each date is over 2.5 centimeters in size and contains a variety of proteins, minerals, and vitamins. After harvesting and cleaning, they are mechanically dried and can be consumed directly or used in making Qi-boosting tea with astragalus and goji berries, or added to various dishes. Red dates naturally contain glucose and fructose, and when dried, glucose may crystallize on the surface, forming white spots, which is not mold.

Challenges in Tracing the Origin of Chinese Medicinal Ingredients
In recent years, there has been a growing demand for Chinese medicinal ingredients in the global market. To ensure yield and prevent pests, many producing regions commonly use pesticides. Additionally, Chinese medicinal ingredients are often fumigated with sulfur dioxide for convenient long-distance transportation and storage. The high prices of Chinese medicinal ingredients may also lead to counterfeit products, where similar-looking materials are mixed in with genuine ones. Although many traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and herbal suppliers strive to ensure the quality of their products, it is challenging to trace the origin of ingredients to their source.

Seeking Pure Sources
Recognizing the widespread use of Chinese medicinal ingredients in the diets of the Chinese population, Liren directly sources pure Chinese medicinal ingredients from their place of origin. After facing numerous challenges, they eventually found organic farming partners in Northern Shaanxi province who engage in pesticide-free and chemical fertilizer-free organic cultivation. During the cultivation of organic red dates, regular monitoring and sampling are conducted, and after harvest, they are sent to international organic certification organizations for inspection. The entire process, from cultivation and production to packaging, is subject to detailed control and testing. To avoid potential contamination during transportation, they are imported in individual containers, separate from other conventional products. After importation into the country, they are stored in a refrigerated warehouse and undergo additional testing for pesticide residues, sulfur dioxide, and heavy metal safety levels before being placed on the market.

Approximately 1,300 years ago, red dates were first planted in the loess plateau along the banks of the Yellow River. Thanks to the unique loess soil and abundant sunlight and climate, they were able to grow plump and small-seeded fruits known as Yellow River beach dates. These dates have received international organic certification throughout their entire cultivation process. They are 100% free from added preservatives, artificial colors, and flavors, and they have not undergone sulfur dioxide fumigation, preserving the original sweet and sour taste of red dates.
