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This style of growing does not use any soil. Instead, an inert media is used to anchor the plant’s roots in place. The root system grows through this medium and is exposed directly to water or a nutrient solution, depending on what you’re growing. 



So what are the pros of growing strawberries in a hydroponic system?

Because there is no soil present, you won’t have to deal with any soil-based pests at all. This makes your job as the grower much easier. Plus, hydroponically grown strawberry plants are less prone to flying pests as well!

You may be under the impression that since there is a constant supply of water that you end up using more water. In reality, hydroponics is more water-efficient, because you recirculate the water as opposed to constantly feeding fresh water to the plants.

If you are tight on space, you will be pleased to learn that hydroponically grown strawberries can be stacked vertically. This leads to more plants per square foot of space. On top of this, harvesting your strawberry fruit is much easier than crouching down to harvest from the soil.

There’s plenty of other good points about hydroponics. It’s definitely a method worth your time