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Vegan Koji Curry

Sweet and mildly spicy Japanese curry that's delicious, easy to make and vegan 糀カレー


Prefecture: Saitama 
Producer: Inoue Spice Kogyo
Ingredients: Rice flour (rice (domestic)), amazake (no-alcohol sweet sake), vegetable oils (vegetable seed oil, palm oil), salt, curry powder, onion powder, chickpea powder, miso, tomato powder, garlic, ginger, carrot powder, yeast extract, spices, kelp powder, shiitake mushroom powder (includes soybeans)
Vegan, Gluten-free, Dairy-free
Size: 130g (6 servings)
Storage: Refrigerate after opening and use as soon as possible.

Japanese curry is a popular, comfort food in Japan that is easy to make yet deliciously satisfying. Essential to any Japanese curry is the sweet, mildly spicy sauce it's served in.


This special curry powder uses the power of koji, a traditional Japanese fermenting microorganism, to intensify and enhance the flavors of the ingredients included.The paste also uses rice flour instead of wheat flour as a thickener given its lighter aftertaste. Instead of using sugar, it’s sweetened with amazake (lit. “sweet sake”) which is a non-alcohol sake that adds a natural, gentle sweetness. 


The spices are carefully selected to provide a nice tang without being too assertive, while the depth of flavor is achieved through umami-enriching konbu (kelp), shiitake and miso, all made without chemical seasonings or meat extract.

Suggested uses: Use to make Koji Curry using the recipe below:


Servings: 6


  • 2 small onions
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 package Koji Curry 
  • 2 Tbsp cooking oil
  • 400ml + 300ml water
  • Cooked rice/pasta if desired


  1. Cut the vegetables into bite sized pieces.
  2. Heat the oil in a pan on medium heat and fry the onions until translucent. Add the carrots and potatoes and continue to cook. 
  3. Add 400ml of water and simmer until the vegetables become soft.
  4. Turn off the heat and add 300ml of water. Mix in the koji curry powder and dissolve.
  5. Cook over low heat for another 15-20 mins and serve over cooked rice/pasta if desired.