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Weee! - Groceries Delivered장바구니

흰새우살 61/70미(꼬리x) 2 파운드

BAP 인증
신선도 보장
주간 판매: 400+

상세 설명

원산지:인도단위량:2 파운드
알레르기 유발성분


Storage conditions: Keep frozen until use. Thaw in the refrigerator The shelf life is 20 months.

For the hopeless shrimp romantics, this one's for you. Sixty to seventy pieces of shrimp is another way of saying seafood heaven. Grill, boil, or stir fry these beauties. Get ready to get lulled into a shrimp coma.

Origin: Asia

BAP Certified Products

Brand: Terra Sea Brand

Farmed-Raised Peeled and Deveined Shrimp, Frozen 71-90ct

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