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BBGY Fermented Konjac Brown Rice Bowl 150g(5.29oz) 1 개

상세 설명

원산지:대한민국단위량:1 개
알레르기 유발성분:


BBGY Fermented Konjac Brown Rice 150g (5.29oz)

The same taste and texture, but half the calories!


75% fermented konjac rice, 20% brown rice

Exercise effects of 1 pack of fermented konjac brown rice!

When eating 1 pack of fermented konjac brown rice, the calories consumed are less than that of rice, which is the same amount of exercise as an average person weighing 60 kg doing the following exercise.

  • 22 minutes walking
  • 11 minutes bike ride
  • 9 minutes swimming
  • 14 minutes of aerobics

Healthy rice with a low glycemic index with 40% lower carbohydrates than rice!

Fermented konjac brown rice is a low-sugar food with 40% lower carbohydrates than rice.

It’s even more delicious because we use fermented konjac rice!

  • Cook it a little more than regular konjac rice.
  • Enjoy a softer texture thanks to the bubbles created during the fermentation process.
  • I feel comfortable after eating it. The indigestibility and absorbability of konjac were improved through fermentation.
  • The characteristic odor of konjac has been reduced. The unique odor of konjac was reduced through the action of sugar alcohols, organic acids, and minerals generated during the fermentation process of konjac.

Cooking Instructions

If you want a soft texture,

  • After opening the bag to the indicated part, put it in the microwave for 2 minutes.
  • Warm the package in boiling water for 8 minutes.

If you want a curly texture,

  • After opening the bag to the opened part, put it in the microwave for 3 minutes.
  • Warm the package in boiling water for 10 minutes.

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