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Fuyishan 매운 소다 크래커 306 그램

신선도 보장
주간 판매: 50+

상세 설명

원산지:대만단위량:306 그램상표:Fuyishan
알레르기 유발성분:
견과류,밀(글루텐).교차반응 우려성분 우유,달걀,땅콩,콩.


Ingredients list: flour, coconut oil, margarine, chili powder, sea salt, yeast powder, spices, black pepper, shallot, etc.

This product's processing equipment or production line produces products containing peanuts, milk, eggs, and soybeans.

Fuyishan, a time-honored brand in Taiwan, adheres to traditional production techniques, and only selects the highest quality ingredients. Hunan spicy soda cakes are seasoned with a variety of Hunan-style spices to create a fresh, spicy, salty aroma with rich flavor. The authentic Hunan spicy flavor complements each other with the crispy soda biscuits.

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