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Genki 초급일본어 교재 제3판(최신)


○Level: Elementary
○Genre: Comprehensive
○Language: English is used for grammar explanations, word meanings and instructions.
○Japanese is written in kanji and kana. Romaji is added in Lessons 1 and 2.
○Audio material: Distributed through "OTO Navi" app. (6 hr. 50 min.) 

Get ready for the latest GENKI! 

GENKI, one of the world's favorite elementary Japanese textbook series, is now ever better with the arrival of its third edition!  
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→ Genki-Online [3rd Ed.] is OPEN!
→ List of Reprint Revisions

Overview of GENKI (Vols. 1 & 2)

Completion of Vol. 1 should place you at a skill level on par with JLPT N5 or CEFR A1. Vol. 2 is
intended to further raise your abilities to N4 or A2.

Sentence patterns: Almost all the basic sentence pattern for beginners
Kanji: 317 characters
Vocabulary: Approx. 1,700 basic words used in everyday life
Time requirement: Approx. 200 hours

Materials in the 3rd edition

Textbook 1 / Workbook 1 (Lessons 1-12)
Textbook 2 / Workbook 2 (Lessons 13-23)
Teacher's Guide
Answer Key

Teacher's Data Pack *On sale at GENKI Online Shop
Apps: Genki Vocab for 3rd Ed. / Genki Kanji for 3rd Ed.
         Genki Conjugation Cards *Available for both the 2nd and 3rd ed.
Website: Genki-Online [3rd Ed.]


Contents: GENKI Vol.1

Conversation and Grammar
Lesson 1 あたらしいともだち(New Friends)
Lesson 2 かいもの (Shopping)
Lesson 3 デートの約束 (Making a Date)
Lesson 4 初めてのデート (The First Date)
Lesson 5 沖縄旅行 (A Trip to Okinawa)
Lesson 6 ロバートさんの一日 (A Day in Robert’s Life)
Lesson 7 家族の写真 (Family Picture)
Lesson 8 バーベキュー (Barbecue)
Lesson 9 かぶき (Kabuki)
Lesson 10 冬休みの予定 (Winter Vacations Plans)
Lesson 11 休みのあと (After the Vacation)
Lesson 12 病気 (Feeling ill)

Reading and Writing
Lesson 1 ひらがな (Hiragana)
Lesson 2 カタカナ (Katakana)
Lesson 3 まいにちのせいかつ (Daily Life)
Lesson 4 メアリ-さんのしゅうまつ (Mary's Weekend)
Lesson 5 りょこう (Travel)
Lesson 6 私のすきなレストラン (My Favorite Restaurant)
Lesson 7 メアリーさんのてがみ (Mary's Letter)
Lesson 8 日本の会社員 (Japanese Office Workers)
Lesson 9 ソラさんの日記 (Sora's Diary)
Lesson 10 昔話「かさじぞう」 (The Folktale Kasajizo)
Lesson 11 友だち・メンバー募集 (Looking for Friends/Members)
Lesson 12 七夕 (Tamabata Festival)