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Haldiram's Malai Kofta

Bảo đảm hàng tươi
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Thương hiệu:Haldiram's
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Sữa,Các loại hạt cây,Lúa mìCó thể bao gồmCác loại hạt cây,Đậu phộng

Mô tả

With yet another bud winner ready-to-eat Indian Delicacy that is one of the most liked Curry of Indians, Deep is ready to hijack a permanent spot in your kitchen with Deep Malai Kofta. It contains soft kofta balls made of potato and paneer dipped into a delicious, smooth, rich & creamy mild spicy tomato based gravy. The flavors are not very strong but subtle that makes it an outstanding curry to enjoy with roti, rice, or naan.