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MTR Khaman Dhokla Mix 200 그램

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원산지:인도단위량:200 그램상표:Mtr


MTR is the king of the packed food world with years of expertise. MTR Khaman Dhokla Mix is a bud-winning traditional Gujarati dish, basically a snack, that is prepared from fermented chickpea batter. Khaman Dhokla is a salty steamed cake made from chickpea flour that is flavored with crunchy onions and sarso tempering on the top. Served with spicy green chutney, it is a melange of salty and sweet taste. It is loaded with the goodness of proteins and carbohydrates. Prepare this very healthy Gujarati delicacy in just 3 steps using MTR Khaman Dhokla Mix. Order now!

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