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Weee! - Groceries Delivered장바구니

Man Xiao Bao Fatty Broth Rice Noodles 310g 310 그램

신선도 보장
주간 판매: 600+

상세 설명

원산지:중국 대륙단위량:310 그램상표:Manxiaobao
알레르기 유발성분:


Extra-rich Hong Kong-style fatty bone soup, the queue king that's all the rage in Hong Kong. The rice noodles are chewy, smooth, and not easily broken or scorched. The soup base is rich and full-bodied, with a satisfyingly sour and spicy taste, pairing well with anything. Comes with super juice-absorbing three-second exploding crisps. Winner of the IQTI World Delicious Award for two consecutive years.

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