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Weee! - Groceries Delivered장바구니

Mekeni 냉동 피쉬볼 파티팩 2.2 파운드

신선도 보장
주간 판매: 1k+

상세 설명

원산지:필리핀단위량:2.2 파운드상표:Mekeni
알레르기 유발성분:
달걀,생선,콩.교차반응 우려성분 우유,조개,밀(글루텐),참깨.


Mekeni Fish Balls Flat 1kg ( Party Pack )

Allergens: May Contain Fish, Soy, Egg, Wheat, Shrimp, Milk, Sesame

The wait finally ends as the classic, and highly anticipated street food of the Philippines has arrived at Weee! Have a taste of the streets of Manila in the comfort of your home with Mekeni Flat Fish Balls.

When cooked deep-fried, they are crispy and crunchy on the outside, but tender and chewy on the inside. It has a delicious and flavorful seafood taste since they're made from real fish meat!

Street vendors in the streets of Manila usually serve them right off a cauldron with piping hot oil, with barbecue sticks ready on the side for customers to “tusok-tusok” (skew) the fish balls. Think hotpot or KBBQ style!

Every Filipino knows that Flat Fish Balls are not like your ordinary fish balls! Different from the typical kind, this Filipino-style fish ball is prepared and cooked flat, which allows them to be stacked and enjoyed on a stick-making it a popular street food in the Philippines!

How to Cook:

1) Thaw the Flat Fish Balls. Packaging is non-microwavable.

2) In a pot, heat enough oil to completely submerge the Flat Fish Balls.

3) Heat at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

4) Add the Flat Fish Balls and fry for 5-7 minutes or until golden brown.

Enjoy! we bring to you, your favorite street food home away from home!

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