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Pederson's 냉동 프리미엄 듀록 돼지고기 순살 슬라이스 돈까스용 도톰컷

신선도 보장
상세 설명


Pederson’s pork comes from Duroc-sired hogs making it some of the juiciest, most tender pork you can find! A product of the United States, their pork is beautifully pink in color and perfectly marbled.

These boneless, think cut pork chops come from the center of the loin located on the back of the hog. Because boneless chops can dry out quickly, be sure not to overcook.

Best for Grilling, broiling, and pan-frying. Cook to an internal temperature of 145 F.

Recipe Inspiration: Hong Kong Style Baked Pork Chop Rice, Japanese Tonkatsu, Vietnamese BBQ Pork Chop, and more

Darker red/pink in color, juicy, and well-marbled:
Pederson’s Farms uses Duroc hogs as the sires, and the sows are a Large White/Landrace cross. Why is this important? The meat from the Duroc breed is characterized as being a darker red/pink in color, juicy, and well-

도시의 트렌드
Los Angeles, California