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덴마크 냉동 삼겹살 껍질 포함 깍뚝썰기 2 파운드

신선도 보장
주간 판매: 300+

상세 설명

원산지:덴마크단위량:2 파운드


Denmark is known for producing high-quality pork, and their pork belly are no exception. There are several reasons why Denmark pork belly are considered special:

High-Quality Breeds: Denmark has strict regulations on pig farming, which ensures that their pork comes from high-quality breeds that are carefully selected for their meat quality, tenderness, and flavor.

Sustainable Farming Practices: Denmark has a long-standing tradition of sustainable and ethical pig farming. The pigs are raised in a free-range environment, given plenty of space to move around, and are fed a healthy diet that is free from antibiotics and growth hormones

Delicious Flavor and Texture: Denmark pork belly are known for their delicious flavor and tender texture. The meat is marbled with fat, which adds to its rich, savory taste and moist, juicy texture.

Pork belly is the meat set in the belly of the pig. The fat distribution of our pork belly is even, the pork belly is separated from the lean meat, and the layers are very clear. The pork belly is very fatty, soft and tender, the most tender and juicy.



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