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Pure Rice Vinegar


Prefecture: Hyogo 
Producer: Tajima Brewery
Ingredients: Rice (domestic)
Vegan, Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Soy-free
Size: 150ml
Storage: Store at room temperature after opening. 


Rice vinegar has a touch of sweetness and is less acidic than western vinegars. Extremely versatile, it can be used in dressings and sauces, to pickle foods (tsukemono) or to make sushi rice.


This pure rice vinegar, or junmaizu, from Tajima Brewery has a mild yet smooth flavor. It's created using traditional fermentation methods and a unique natural "stork” rice which is grown in harmony with the delicate local environment inhabited by beautiful Japanese storks.


Suggested uses: This Pure Rice Vinegar is a great substitute for any vinegar and will add a smooth, sweet acidity to your dishes. Use it in dressings and sauces, to pickle foods or to make sushi rice. You can also combine it in equal parts with soy sacue to make a Japanese style salad dressing or a quick stir fry sauce.

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