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Seeded Grain Bread Sliced

주간 판매: 50+
매장 가격과 동일

상세 설명

원산지:미국상표:Andersen Bakery
알레르기 유발성분
알레르기 주의사항
이 식당 제품은 생선, 조개류, 땅콩, 견과류, 우유, 참깨, 콩, 밀 등을 포함하거나 같은 제조 시설을 사용하오니 주의 바랍니다.


Daily Fresh Bread, delivered with your groceries!

All bread from Andersen Bakery is freshly baked daily, no preservatives!


Selected Ingredients:

Ingredients: Flour, sugar, butter, shortening, sea salt, egg, yeast food,  oat, sesame seed natural, sunflower, flax seed. 

Caution: This product contains Egg, Milk, wheat, seed


Storage Instructions:

Store away from light. Refrigeration is recommended for consumption within 7 days.


Tips for Consumption:

Ready to eat! For an enhanced taste, you can use a toaster or an air fryer for heating.


Andersen Bakery 

Andersen's ideals are founded in the European bread-making tradition, and through these traditions we bring the joy of life with bread to every customer. We combine only the finest and freshest all-natural ingredients with time-honored authentic European recipes and baking methods.


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