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Weee! - Groceries Delivered장바구니

Shan 필라우 브리야니 향신료 믹스 1.76 온스

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상세 설명

원산지:파키스탄단위량:1.76 온스상표:Shan
알레르기 유발성분
콩.교차반응 우려성분 견과류,밀(글루텐),참깨.


Shan brings to you the goodness of spices and the convenience of cooking yummiest meals with ease with a range of all-in-one spices that would add to your culinary experience. Ready to cook lip-smacking Pilau Biryani at home rich in flavors and excellent in taste? Shan Pilau Biryani Spice Mix is your one-stop-culinary destination. Simply open and pour a decent amount in your dish you are cooking with love to let the culinary magic happen within minutes. This spice mix is prepared by veteran chefs who indulge in the art of cooking and are making the life of people flavorful, you are the next!

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