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Vadilal Alphonso Mango Slices Frozen 11 온스

신선도 보장
주간 판매: 100+

상세 설명

원산지:인도단위량:11 온스상표:Vadilal
알레르기 유발성분
교차반응 우려성분 우유,견과류,땅콩,밀(글루텐),콩,참깨.


Love for Mangoes is one of the purest forms of Love. People eagerly wait for summers to welcome the arrival of mangoes and enjoy them to the fullest. Mango shake, mango ice cream, mango milk shake, and mango as it is, in every form, this king fruit tastes divine and refreshes you instantly. But when the summers bid a goodbye, these mangoes bid a goodbye too that is heartbreaking. But with Deep Frozen Mango Slices (Kesar), do not let the season decide when or when not to have Juicy Kesar Mangoes. These are available round the year in just a few clicks. Order now!

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