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Vadilal Chikoo Slices 11 온스

신선도 보장
주간 판매: 50+

상세 설명

원산지:인도단위량:11 온스상표:Vadilal
알레르기 유발성분
교차반응 우려성분 우유,견과류,땅콩,밀(글루텐),콩,참깨.


An Indian food brand that has an expertise in Indian meals and snacks, Deep is ready with an assemblage of frozen and fresh raw fruits and vegetables to make them reach your doorstep. Deep Frozen Chikoos are farm fresh picked and packed Chikoos with all its nutritions intact in it as it is. Chikoo is an excellent supplier of Vitamin A, C, E. All these vitamins are very essential for a good skin health that you get in a single fruit. Also, it is an excellent fruit to include in your diet during your weightloss journey. Order now!

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