Weee! - Groceries Delivered
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Weee! - Groceries Delivered
0 상품

Wei-Chuan 냉동 소힘줄 미트볼 8 온스

신선도 보장
주간 판매: 1k+
상세 설명
상표:Wei Chuan
알레르기 유발성분:


Ingredients: Beef, beef tendon, water, potato starch, salt, dextrose, monosodium glutamate, egg white, sodium phosphate, white pepper and black pepper.

Storage conditions: Keep frozen.

The real deal Chinese meatball. Chewy, tasty, and springy texture. The beef and beef tendon is pounded into the form of paste before making the shape. These are perfect partners in crime with noodles and hot pot.

인기 관련 검색어
도시의 트렌드
Austin, Texas