红miso经过较长的发酵过程(至多6个月)会变成红棕色。 它比白色的咸味更咸,并且含有更多的鲜味。
味在亚洲已经有2000多年的历史,是世界上最重要的大豆食品之一。 它是一种用途广泛的调味料,并具有多种口味和颜色。 纳玛或未经巴氏消毒的味o意味着它在制造过程中未经过热处理。 由于巴氏消毒法旨在杀死微生物,因此,纳玛/未经巴氏消毒的味o具有最佳的益生菌活性。
Yamajirushi公司使用非转基因成分和100%认证的有机大豆来制造其产品。 他们的味噌通过了犹太洁食认证(Star K),不含麸质,不含乳制品并且不含味精。
Red miso gets it reddish-brown color from a longer fermentation process (up to 6 mo). It is saltier and contains more umami than its white counterpart.
Miso has been used as a flavoring ingredient for over 2,000 years in Asia and is one of the world’s most important soy food. It is a highly versatile seasoning and is available in a variety of flavors and colors. Nama or unpasteurized miso means it has not undergone heat treatment during the manufacturing process. Since pasteurization is designed to kill microbes, nama/unpasteurized miso has the best probiotic activity.
• Ingredients: Filtered Water, Organic Whole Soybeans, Cultured Rice, Sea Salt
• 2 lbs (907g)
• Manufacturer: Yamajirushi
• Country of Origin: United States
Yamajirushi company uses non-GMO ingredients and 100% Certified Organic soybeans to manufacture its products. Their miso are Kosher certified (Star K), gluten free, dairy free and contain no MSG.