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냉동 하마치 카마 방어 아가미 턱살 2-2.4 파운드

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Frozen Yellowtail Hamachi Premium Kama

Hamachi Kama (はまちのカマ) is the collar of the yellowtail located just above the gills and below the head. It is the fattiest part of the fish, making it naturally juicy, and there are two located in each yellowtail (one per side). Typically, Hamachi is grilled or broiled until the skin is crisp and the inside is just cooked through. You can easily scrape the flesh off the cartilage with chopsticks.

The flavor of the yellowtail collar is subtle and “clean.” The juicy texture of the meat can be compared to mackerel, but the taste is much milder.

Hamachi, or yellowtail, offers a number of nutritional benefits. Because it is a naturally oily fish, it is high in omega-3 fatty acids (like salmon), which are important for brain and heart health. This fish is also particularly high in vitamin A, vitamin D, and calcium.


도시의 트렌드
Richmond, California