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Chả Mực Jack & King's, Đông Lạnh

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Thương hiệu:Jack & King's
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Trứng,Cá,Hải sản có vỏ,Đậu phộngCó thể bao gồmSữa,Hải sản có vỏ,Đậu nành,vừng

Mô tả

 Jack & King‘s Superfine Cuttlefish Cake

Delicious and full of strength, the smell of the sea
Product Description:
More than 80% of the cuttlefish meat particles and golden thread surimi, with a small amount of egg white, vegetable oil and other ingredients, are carefully prepared, and the appearance is white and smooth. It is suitable for pan-frying, frying, steaming, hot pot or oden. The cooking methods are diverse and flexible. The taste is firm and tender, the mouth is delicious, the meat is firm, the cuttlefish particles are obvious, and it is high in protein and low in fat. The ingenuity and deliciousness have been continued with good craftsmanship, and every bite can feel the strong scent of cuttlefish.


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