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Abalone Fusiformis Rice

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Fresh and flavorful, Haedameun's Abalone Fusiformis Rice


It features live abalones cooked immediately for a chewy texture, with plenty of fusiformis and enoki mushrooms to enhance the taste and texture. We added our special soy sauce for a rich flavor.

A Note from Mealtones

We prepare it slightly spicy by using natural rock samphire, creating a hearty meal without the need for additional side dishes.



The chewy texture of abalone blends well with a slightly spicy flavor.

Premium HMR Brand Haedameun

"Haedameun" combines the words "hae" meaning the sea and "dameun" meaning to preserve, reflecting our commitment to creating food products using the rich resources of the sea. We utilize seafood as the main ingredient and emphasize manual preparation, avoiding the use of automated machines. Our goal is to capture the natural flavors and promote health. With dedication, we craft products that offer convenient and nutritious meals without compromising on taste.

Servings per Container




One Pack