Weee! - Groceries Delivered
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Tiếng Việt
Weee! - Groceries Delivered
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Bánh Nướng Đài Loan Nhân Đậu Xanh Chen Yun Pao Chuan 3 cái

Bảo đảm hàng tươi
Chi tiết
Thương hiệu:Chen Yun Pao Chuan
Chất gây dị ứng:
Sữa,Lúa mì,Đậu nành

Mô tả

Storage conditions: Store in a cool and dry place. Refrigerate after opening.

As if you need another pastry to pair perfectly with your tea. Spoiler alert: you do. This traditional Chinese dessert is full of a curious sweet flavor. According to ancient Chinese legend, you should eat mung bean cakes for safety and health during the Dragon Boat Festival. Eating them because they're delicious is a good reason too.

Production Date: L=0,A=1,B=2,C=3,D=... 

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