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Cherry Grandfather Handmade Walnut & Date Pastille Candy (Buy one get one free)

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Premium Walnut and Jujube Paste Delicacy

This confident creation, meticulously researched for nearly half a year, is made by slowly cooking natural, fresh jujubes. Premium California walnuts are added to create a delicacy with just the right level of sweetness and a natural aroma. It's a traditional Chinese pastry that's also a healthy treat.


Ingredients: Premium California Walnuts, Maltose, Pure Jujube Paste, Sugar, Jujube Paste Red Bean, Soybean Oil, Isomalto-Oligosaccharide Syrup, Potato Starch, Corn Starch, Non-Glutinous Rice Flour, Salt


Specifications: 100g


Shelf Life: 12 months


Origin: Taiwan


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