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Chungjungone Spicy Soft Tofu Stew Sauce

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Đậu nành,Lúa mì,Hải sản có vỏ

Mô tả

Brand: ChungJungone
Country of Origin: South Korea
Package Information: Polypropylene
Capacity & Quantity: 140g

What is Gourmet Recipe?
It is a clean one line brand that means that it completes delicious dishes without having to make complicated recipes or separate seasonings.
It is an authentic Korean soft tofu stew seasoning with a cool clam soup base and a spicy seafood taste.
Just prepare soft tofu and green onions. Delicious dishes are completed by preparing fresh ingredients without having to make complicated recipes or separate seasonings!
It made use of its natural deep taste and characteristics of dishes that are difficult to taste at home.
Store in a dry and cool place, and use it at once as it may deteriorate after opening.