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Khô Cá Bò Nhỏ Nướng 1 phần

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A snack or drinking accompaniment, our coin-sized filefish jerky is enjoyed by everyone.


With a chewy texture and coin-sized portions, our filefish jerky is convenient to eat, making it perfect for both children as a snack and adults as a drinking accompaniment. filefish jerky is low in fat and high in protein, making it a healthy snack option.

A Note from Mealtones

You can trust the quality produced by Baeknyeon Store(100 years store), Kyeongdeok.



Since it is already roasted and sold, you can enjoy it as it is, or lightly roast it for an extra delicious taste.

100 Years Store, Kyeongdeok.

For 40 years, spanning two generations, we have been supplying the safest and highest quality products nationwide. We provide natural dried seafood and nuts with the care and dedication of a mother's heart.

Servings per Container




100g One pack