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Growland Hami Sweet Jujube Dates 14 oz

Bảo đảm hàng tươi
Bán được 50+ mỗi tuần
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Thương hiệu:Growland

Mô tả

Pharmacological studies have found that jujube, commonly known as red dates, can promote the production of white blood cells, lower serum cholesterol, increase serum albumin, and protect the liver.

People who eat fresh jujube seldom suffer from gallstones. This is because the rich vitamin C in fresh jujube converts excess cholesterol in the body into bile acids. With less cholesterol, the probability of stone formation is also reduced.

Jujube is rich in calcium and iron, which play an important role in preventing and treating osteoporosis and postpartum anemia. Middle-aged and elderly people often suffer from osteoporosis during menopause. Adolescents and women at the peak of growth and development are prone to anemia. It has a very ideal dietetic effect, and its effect is usually incomparable to drugs.

Jujube can also resist allergies, remove fishy smells, calm the mind and soothe the nerves, nourish the mind and strengthen the appetite.

Jujube can also enhance muscle strength, eliminate fatigue, expand blood vessels, increase myocardial contractility, and improve myocardial nutrition.

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