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Súp Bạc Hà Xay Cùng Gia VỊ Kiểu Ấn Haldiram's Panipuri

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Thương hiệu:Haldiram's
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Có thể bao gồmSữa,Các loại hạt cây,Đậu phộng,Lúa mì,Đậu nành

Mô tả

Are you tired of stepping outside everytime you want to treat your buds with your favorite Pani-Puri? You know where all the magic of pani puri is stored? It's in the water. Tastier the water, tastier the Puries. What if you could make the exact Pani-Puri water, even tastier, at home? Your mouth must be watering, right? Then the trouble of going out will all be gone and you can enjoy filling your mouth with pani-puri in your cozy comfortable space. Bring home Haldiram's Pani Puri Pani Concentrate (Frozen) and you will be shocked how tasty the outcome would be. Order now!