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Hong Kong JENNY Cookies 2 Mix Butter Cookies 220g

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Thương hiệu:Jenny Bakery
Chất gây dị ứng:
Các loại hạt cây,Đậu phộng,Lúa mì,Đậu nành,vừng,Hạnh nhân,Quả óc chó,Hạt điều,Hạt phỉ

Mô tả


Made in Hong Kong

Jenny Bakery's signiture Butter Flower flavor. Using premium butter and secret formula, they have an exquisite taste with a delicate texture that simply melts in your mouth.

All cookies are 100% imported from Hong Kong – freshness guaranteed!

Made from a selection of high-quality imported butter and other raw materials, using Jenny's secret recipes and traditional craftsmanship. The taste is soft, creamy, and melts in your mouth. Contains four flavors: butter flower, crispy butter, oatmeal raisin, and coffee flower. Non-GMO, no added preservatives. Pairs beautifully with your next morning coffee, tea time, or snack break. So what are you waiting for?

Flowers: wheat flour, salted butter (dairy), rock sugar, cornstarch 

Storage conditions: Please keep in a cool dry place, avoid direct sunlight.