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Bột Sodium Tẩy Vết Bẩn Đa Năng Kokubo Nhật Bản

Made in Japan
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Thương hiệu:Kokubo

Mô tả

Kokubo Japan Sodium Sesquicarbonate

220 gram 

Made in Japan 

Ingredients: Sodium sesqui-carbonate
Liquidity: Slightly alkaline

For grease stains around the range
For cleaning exhaust fans
For washing clothes

*For cleaning exhaust fans, ranges, and sinks
For cleaning around ventilation fans, ranges and sinks, spray about 5g of this product in 500ml of water and wipe off with a dish towel.

*For cleaning around door knobs and switches
For cleaning doorknobs and switches, soak a dishcloth in a solution of about 5g of this product to 500ml of water, and wipe with the cloth.

* For washing clothes
For light stains: Add about 30g of this product to 30L of water and wash. For light stains.

* For persistent stains] ... Add about 30g of this product to 30L of water, and pre-wash. After that, add detergent and wash as usual.

* For stains and stains on the front and back of the garment] ... Spray about 5g of this product per 500ml of water on the stain, and leave it on for about 5 minutes. After that, add detergent and wash as usual.

(Items that cannot be used)
Items that cannot be washed with water, items that cannot be wiped with water, lacquerware, leather, silk products, aluminum, copper, brass, precious metals, jewelry, gold leaf, varnished furniture, furniture with surface treatment, eyeglasses, painted surfaces of automobiles, etc.





(セスキ水の作り方)水500ml にセスキ小さじ1 を入れて溶かす。キッチンの油汚れ掃除に。


水500ml に対し本品約5g を入れた液体をスプレーし、ふきんなどで拭き取ってください。


水500ml に対し本品約5g を入れた液体をふきんなどにしみ込ませ、しっかり絞ったもので拭いてください。


【軽い汚れには】…水30L に対し本品を約30g 入れ、お洗濯してください。洗剤を使用せず、洗いとすすぎが一度で済みます。

【しつこい汚れには】…水30L に対し本品を約30g 入れ、予洗いしてください。その後、通常通りに洗剤を入れてお洗濯してください。

【シミ・エリ・そで口の汚れには】…水500ml に対し本品を約5g 入れたものを汚れにスプレーし、5 分ほどおいてください。その後、通常通りに洗剤を入れてお洗濯してください。
















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