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Xúc Xích Longaniza Vigan Ilocos Pampanga, Đông Lanh 10 oz

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Pampanga Vigan Longaniza

Vigan Longganisa is a Filipino sausage from the Ilocos region made with pork mince, spices and tons of garlic.

There are two popular types of longganisa in the Philippines, first is the sweet one and then there is that savoury garlicky ones which is our post for today. Vigan Longganisa is its name and it is popular in the Northern Provinces in Luzon specially the Ilocos, traditionally they are small and plump, roughly around the size of three small bites and most of the time accompanied by a vinegar called sukang Iloko. Like most sausages is also usually served during breakfast with fried egg and garlic fried rice but can be eaten all though out the day and its really good with pandesal.

Vigan longaniza was believed to have been influenced by the Mexican Chorizo hence it’s on the spicy, salty, tangy and garlicky side and not the sweet side like other longaniza. Another big difference of this one is that this longganisa is hand dried in direct sunlight for half a day to remove excess liquid. It was believed that the tradition of making it has existed since the period of the Spanish galleon trade.