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Sakura (Cherry Blossom) Jam

Mô tả

Prefecture: Nagano
Producer: Shinshu Shizen Okoku
Ingredients: Sugar (domestic), salted sakura (cherry blossoms flowers, plum vinegar, salt), rice flour, ume (Japanese plum) syrup, shiso extract
Vegan, Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Soy-free
Size: 130g
Storage: Refrigerate after opening and use as soon as possible 

Nagano, where our local producer Shinsu Shizen Okoku is based, is home to Takato Castle. In early to mid-April, an estimated 1500 Kohigan sakura trees brighten the castle grounds with their pink petals, just as they have for centuries.


These beautiful blooms are the star ingredient of this sakura jam. After being salted for preservation they are simmered with just the right amount of sugar and ume juice to yield a lightly sweetened jam with subtle floral notes. This pleasantly pink spread captures the fleeting beauty of sakura and makes for the perfect addition to your pantry, offering a taste of spring any time of the year.


Having started as an association focused on producing and providing organic fruits and vegetables, Shinsu Shizen Okoku has a deep connection with nature. The company has since expanded to now include over 200 original products such as jams, seasonings, and side dishes. However, their commitment to creating delicious food and protecting the environment continues. Shinsu Shizen Okuku has embraced what they call “environmental cultivation” as they strive to find new earth-friendly farming, production, and shipping methods.


Suggested uses: Offering a fragrant floral taste of spring, this sakura jam can be used in both sweet and savory applications. When combined with ingredients such as vinegar, lemon juice, salt, and olive oil (as in our Sakura Jam Sauce recipe) it makes a delicious sauce that lends a light floral taste to vegetables, fish, poultry, and pork. To satisfy your sweet tooth try using it as a topping for toast, ice cream, or yogurt, or use it as a substitute for bean paste in your favorite Japanese desserts and baked goods.

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