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Bột Pani Puri Hoà Tan Shan

Bảo đảm hàng tươi
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Thương hiệu:Shan
Chất gây dị ứng:
Các loại hạt cây,Lúa mì,Đậu nành,vừng

Mô tả

Pani Puri is a one bite delicacy that has managed to win the hearts of millions with its unique taste. That mix of sweet and tangy flavor is to die for, right? Do you know where the magic of this very famous street food is stored? It’s the water that is prepared using a mixture of spices and other flavorful ingredients. Presenting the same magic to you, Shan is here with Pani Puri Masala. Now bring the magic of that roadside delicacy in your house, and enjoy eating as many puchkas you want in your comfortable cozy place. Simply pour Shan Pani Puri Masala Spice Mix in chilled water and you are good to be the pani puri wala of your house!

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