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Gia Vị Nấu Gà Nướng Tandoori Shan

Bảo đảm hàng tươi
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Thương hiệu:Shan
Chất gây dị ứng:
Đậu nànhCó thể bao gồmCác loại hạt cây,Lúa mì,vừng

Mô tả

Tandoori Chicken BBQ is an ultimate non-veg dish that is flavored with the best spices. The rule and game of spices in a classic Tandoori Chicken BBQ recipe must never be breached and should be strong respectively. Following the rules to make your cooking game strong, Shan presents Tandoori Chicken BBQ Spice Mix that is a spice blend of all the Indian spices that goes into preparing restaurant style Tandoori Chicken BBQ at home. Now the weekends at home should be culinary strong with the best dish and the perfect flavors with the right choice of spice mix. Cook once, and there would be no looking back. Ready to elevate the flavors?

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Manassas, Virginia