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Sparassis crispa-Mushroom,Cold mix, Hot pot soup ingredients

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Hydrangea mushroom body medium to large shape, fleshy, from a stout stalk issued by many branches, the end of the branch formed numerous zigzag petals, shaped like a huge hydrangea named. Because of its super-high immune activation ability, it is called "dream magic mushroom" in Japan. Rich in nutrition, according to the determination, each 100 grams of dried product contains 15.58 grams of protein, 7.95 grams of fat, 48.7 grams of reducing sugar, 12.93 grams of mannitol, 1.72 grams of glycan, 7.41 grams of trehalose, 4.49 grams of ash; Also contains vitamin B, vitamin B2 and vitamin C and other ingredients. The mineral elements in ash were higher than those in common mushroom.


Rhodococcus aureus contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. Rhodococcus aureus contains vitamin C and vitamin E, and its vitamin E content ranks among the forefront of bacterial and algae foods. These vitamins have antioxidant effects. Aureococcus also contains ergosterol, which can be converted into vitamin D under sunlight and ultraviolet irradiation, which can promote calcium and phosphorus absorption, which is conducive to bone formation, and prevent rickets in children, osteoporosis and osteomalacia in adults. Embroidered coccus contains quite high potassium, while the sodium content is low, this high potassium and low sodium food has a diuretic effect, which is very beneficial to patients with hypertension.