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Turmeric & Rainbow Quinoa & Black Sesame Soda Cracker-Not adding preservatives

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Adding red quinoa flour, black quinoa flour, and white quinoa flour, it is called rainbow quinoa. Quinoa is a complete protein whole food, and because of its rich protein and mineral content comparable to meat, it is known as the "mother of grains," making it a superfood that's currently in high demand.

Adding turmeric for extra health benefits.

No preservatives or artificial sweeteners added.

Using naturally fermented dough with yeast and rock salt to bring out the flavor to the fullest, then incorporating fresh spring onions onto the bread. The spring onions emit a rich aroma, combined with the high nutritional value of rainbow quinoa, and after baking, it releases a mouth-watering aroma that makes you want to have one piece after another.

Weight: 180g

Ingredients: Flour (unbleached), palm oil (non-hydrogenated), sugar, curry powder, black sesame seeds, milk powder, turmeric powder, quinoa flour (red quinoa, white quinoa, black quinoa), salt, yeast powder, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate).