Weee! - Groceries Delivered
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Weee! - Groceries Delivered
0 món hàng

Cá Đù Vàng Nguyên Con, Đông Lạnh

Bảo đảm hàng tươi
Bán được 300+ mỗi tuần
Chi tiết
Thương hiệu:UA Seafood
Chất gây dị ứng:

Mô tả

Size:300-400g per fish 

Origin: China 

Ingredients: Yellow Croaker  

Storage conditions: Keep frozen. Please put it in a refrigerator or leave at room temperature to thaw. Do not use warm water or heat to thaw and rinse the fish.

Do you hear that croaking? This fish actually croaks, and happens to be a popular Chinese fish meal. Forget your social-media worthy picture of your croaker meal. Just keep gobbling. 



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