Top 1 products for 韓國葡萄


#1 Shine Muscat 麝香葡萄 600 克

Shine Muscat 麝香葡萄 600 克

Shine Muscat 麝香葡萄 600 克

這款麝香葡萄具有豐富的風味和甜度,適合喜歡韓國葡萄口味的消費者。這種葡萄可用於製作多種亞洲料理,如水果沙拉或是點心餡料,提供美食的獨特風味。它含有維他命C與抗氧化劑,對健康有益。如果是冷凍商品,便於儲存且可以隨時享用。 Note: The product mentioned is associated with Korean grapes (韓國葡萄), but the product title suggests it's a type of grape named "Shine Muscat" from what seems to be a brand or shop possibly called 空运 (Air Transport). The assistant is assuming based on the mentioned scenario that customers are interested in this product because it's similar to or a type of "Korean grapes."

