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Cottage Handicraft, Sacral Chakra - Orange Tibetan Singing Bowl

With Free Elephant Gift
Brand:Cottage Handicrafts


1. General Introduction & Origin of Tibetan Singing Bowls - In the history of the world, the Origin of the Magical Tibetan Singing bowl is not very clear, but some researches done by The experts of this field say, that this phenomenal and magical piece of metal was made from an alloy amalgamated with a number of metals earlier to some 6000 years somewhere in the east region of our country. It is said that it was invented by some tourists who visited the Himalayas some 6000 years ago and it was only after when Chinese entered Tibet that the instrument gained worldwide popularity.


2. It is made up of - This incredibly unique piece of Orange Singing Bowl is made up of pure brass. Pure Brass is the material which is responsible to provide the toughness to the singing bowls. This toughness becomes the reason why such singing bowl run for longer. Pure brass is also responsible for the mystery of the healing sound which heals the chakras. The lustrous nature of singing bowls is also due to the pure brass. Cottage handicrafts is the place which is known to deal in the quality singing bowls, so try to purchase your next singing bowl from here and you will find the best service.  


3.  Use of this Orange coloured Tibetan Singing Bowl - This Orange coloured Tibetan Singing bowl is used to activate sacral chakra (Svadhisthana). In Sanskrit, Svadihsthana means where your being is established. The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen, genital womb or we can say that below the navel where the perineum is.  Sacral chakra is one of the 7 chakras which is associated to sexuality, desire, procreation and pleasure. Balancing this chakra can enhance the sexual vitality, physical stamina and fertility. Sacral chakra is also famous as the sex chakra and its activation can  enhance creative expression & sexual intimacy. The colour of this Charka is Orange and its celestial body is Moon.As it is known to enhance sexuality and desire, It is found to be associated with the sex organs and the kidneys. The symbol of the sacral chakra is a Moon crescent, which represents the relationship between the tides of water and the phases of the moon.


4.  Balancing the sacral chakra - Importance of Orange coloured Tibetan singing bowl - Though balancing of any chakra is not an easy process, yet we can achieve the outstanding results in it if we are working in the right direction with the right technique. There are many ways utilising which we can balance our chakras like Meditation & Yoga , affirmations, supplementing your diet, but the best way to do it is through singing bowl practice. Singing bowls which were introduced by Tibetan and Himalayan monks are the best way to balance and heal the chakras to have a proper, peaceful & spiritually rich life. Orange coloured Tibetan singing bowl is specially used to heal sacral chakra as sound produced by this bowl produce frequencies able to balance and heal the sacral chakra. 


5. Healing sound has magical results - A deep and long research over Tibetan Singing bowl says that its healing sound which is called as mysterious sound is due to the presence of a number of ores present in it. The frequencies generated by the sound produced by the singing bowl depends on the quantity of ores present in it and size of the singing bowl. This is the reason why different coloured Singing bowls are used to activate or balance the different chakras and why only orange coloured Tibetan singing bowl is used to activate sacral chakra. When mysteriously calming sound of Tibetan singing bowl enters the body of the receiver, it provides long-lasting relief to both the sides of the brain. It is all because of the presence of these precious metals and their age that the bowl produces a mesmerizing, engaging, and stress-releasing harmonic-hum. Tibetan singing bowl is also called Healing or chakra bowls.


6. Why its Purchasing is Necessary - The sound which the bowl produces is the AUM Vibration which leaves beautiful and positive results over the body of the receiver. This Vibration gives deep relaxation to the soul of the receiver and regenerates muscle. It is only the distinct quality of this mesmerizing vibration that it helps in relieving the muscle, joint, and shoulder pain too. Its magical effect has positive results in transferring relief to the pain related to Digestive systems, Migraine, and Headaches. It increases mental relief, gives spiritual healing, gives sexual activeness, provides sensuality and makes you more active and more passionate for your partner.


7. Free gift with every purchase - Whatever you will purchase, you will get a free silver electro-plated elephant figurine. The fascinating and exquisite elephant figurine is a royal piece of decoration which can be placed in your Living Room, Dining Room, Office or wherever you will place it, it will make the surroundings royal with its royal look. Whether you purchase a single product or you purchase a number of products, you will receive a free elephant figurine with every purchase. The cost of the return gift is not included in the cost of the product. People invest on advertisements, but we dont. We want to spend on our customers to make a long-lasting and a lovely bond with them. It is because we want to honour our customers, we are providing this royal and majestic return gift which will definitely make them feel highly privileged. 


8. About Cottage Handicraft - Cottage Handicraft maintains its own reputation in providing the best quality products. The customers which order something from Cottage Handicraft order multiple things because they strongly faith in our quality and the products we are delivering. We are very sure that your money is not going to be wasted if you order anything from us. Our first priority is to satisfy your need, both product-wise and Quality wise. Customers who purchase something from Cottage Handicraft never complains. Moreover, the compliments we are receiving make us feel highly motivated and energetic. Every product here is a hand-made product and takes near about 15-20 days with lots of patience and hard work. It makes the products more valuable and more beautiful.