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Ghost Chili Peppers (Bhut Jalokia) - Hottest Peppers in the World!, 1/2 oz bag


Use with extreme caution!

If you like your food hot, we mean really hot-hot, you will love these dried ghost chilli pepper pods! Originally discovered in the Assam region of India, they are known as "Bhut Jalokia" which translates to "Ghost Pepper" for its almost ghostly hot bite!

These are oven-dried peppers that can be easily re-hydrated. Each of these packs contains approx 8-12 chili pods.

~ Confirmed by the Guinness Book of World Records as the HOTTEST PEPPER ON EARTH!

~ Over three times hotter than a habanero!

~ 401.5 times hotter than Tabasco Sauce!

~ On the Scoville scale that measures the heat of peppers, Ghost Peppers rate at 1,067,286 units!

Be sure to use safety when handling these peppers such as gloves and protective eye wear if grinding.

Ingredients: Ghost chilli peppers