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【Weekly Featured】Grapegruit & Pomelo - Sweet, Juicy & Vitamin C

Grapefruits are juicy, sweet and full of vitamin-C

Great source of fiber and potassium

Grapefruit is easy to preserve and the fragrance can last up to 3 month

Cocktail Grapefruits are grown in the Central Valley of California and are hand picked for the best quality. Ripe and ready to eat whether green or yellow. 

They are exceptionally sweet and juicy. They are delicious cross between Frua Mandarins and Pummelos. Cocktail Grapefruits are much sweeter and less acidic than traditional grapefruits. 


🍈Melogold Grapefruit


Light-green thin outer skin that is easy to peel 

Super juicy and sweet inside


🍈Honey Pomelo

Pomelo is the largest of all grapefruit varieties

They are sweet, tangy, and can often be used as an ingredient for salads or marmalades




The most prominent Florida variety

Known for its pink seedless flesh and green rind



Grapefruit is full of vitamin-C, hydration and dietary fiber

It is a very healthy and beneficial fruit 

Can help the skin get firmer and smoother 

Lower cholesterol and blood sugar