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Akshit Organic Chamomile Bed Time Tea 150 Count Pure Chamomile Flower Tea

100% Natural Matricaria (Earthy Apple) Manzanilla Tea Caffeine Free Soothing Tea


Chamomile flower tea is a soothing herbal infusion renowned for its gentle and calming properties. Crafted from the dried flowers of the chamomile plant (Matricaria chamomilla or Earthy Apple Chamaemelum Nobile), Camomile Tea, Manzanilla Tea


This golden-hued chamomile tea offers a delicate, floral aroma with a hint of apple-like sweetness.
Known for its potential to promote relaxation and alleviate stress,  the chamomile tea bags are caffeine-free, making it a perfect choice for a tranquil evening beverage. 
Whether enjoyed plain or with a touch of honey or lemon, chamomile tea provides a comforting and mild experience, making it a popular choice for those seeking a peaceful and rejuvenating cup.


Calming and Relaxing: Chamomile tea is renowned for its soothing properties, making it the perfect choice for unwinding after a long day or promoting a sense of calmness during stressful times.


Natural Sleep Aid: With its gentle sedative effects, chamomile tea is often enjoyed before bedtime to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality, helping you drift off into a peaceful slumber.


Digestive Support: Natural Chamomile tea has been traditionally used to aid digestion, soothe upset stomachs, and relieve gastrointestinal discomfort, making it an ideal choice after meals or during periods of indigestion.


Mild and Delicate Flavor: Chamomile tea organic  boasts a mild, floral flavor profile with hints of apple and honey, making it a pleasant and soothing beverage enjoyed on its own or with a touch of honey for added sweetness.


Caffeine-Free and All-Natural: Chamomile tea bag is caffeine-free and made from all-natural ingredients, ensuring a gentle and relaxing experience without any stimulant effects.


Immune Support: Chamomile tea contains antioxidants that support overall immune health, helping to protect the body against common illnesses and promoting general well-being.


Versatile Beverage: Enjoy chamomile tea hot or cold, on its own or blended with other herbs or flavors for a customized and refreshing drink experience.


Ethically Sourced and Sustainably Packaged: Our chamomile tea is sourced from trusted growers and packaged with care to preserve its freshness and flavor, ensuring a high-quality and enjoyable tea-drinking experience every time.