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Damtuh Cold Brewed Apple Mango Rooibos 30g, Tea Bags 20 개입

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상세 설명

원산지:대한민국단위량:20 개입


Introducing Damtuh Cold Brew Tea Apple Mango Rooibos, where you can enjoy a fragrant blend tea in just 3 minutes with cold water, without the complicated process of brewing in hot water.


Stevia, a plant-based sweetener, adds a touch of sweetness without the calories of traditional sugar


Zero Calories
Savor the guilt-free refreshment of our 0-calorie cold brewed tea. Enjoy the crisp flavor without any added calories, perfect for those seeking a light and refreshing beverage option


Acacia Honey
Acacia honey is often used as a natural remedy for soothing coughs and sore throats. It can help alleviate irritation and provide temporary relief from symptoms.

The deep, earthy notes of Rooibos intertwine with the bright, fruity essence of apple mango, resulting in a harmonious blend that captivates with every sip.


How to enjoy
Refreshing Cold Brew Tea:
Simply place a tea bag in cold water (100 ~ 150 mL), let it steep for 3 minutes, then add ice for a delightful experience.


Sweet Cold Brew Tea Blend:
Freeze adequately brewed cold brew tea in ice trays, then blend it in a mixer for a sweet, blended treat.

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