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Umami-rich soy sauce seasoned with premium Japanese wasanbon sugar 特醸甘口醤油 平成


Prefecture: Kumamoto
Producer: Fundōdai
Ingredients: Soybeans (from Kyushu), wheat (from Kyushu), salt, wasanbon sugar, red sake
Vegan, Dairy-free
Size: 100ml 
Storage: Refrigerate after opening.

Kyushu is famous for its sweet soy sauce. This Wasanbon Sweet Soy Sauce is made from soybeans and wheat from Kyushu, and seasoned with wasanbon, a high-quality, artisanal sugar typically used to make wagashi (traditional Japanese sweets), and a red sake that has been aged for 2 years with wood ash which naturally turns brown over time. Red sake is familiar to anyone from Kumamoto and is a staple for New Year's toso, a special sake infused with herbs and spices and drunk to flush away maladies from the prior year.

Fundōdai was founded in 1869 and began as a sake brewer during the Edo era. In its 11th generation, they started brewing soy sauce and created this additive-free, sweet soy sauce to celebrate their 150th anniversary in 2019, the same year the Heisei era ended. Known as their “Heisei” sweet soy sauce, it has a refreshing taste with a rich yet gentle sweetness.

Suggested uses:To enjoy the natural sweetness of the sauce, we recommend using it as a dip for sashimi or roast beef. A little dash will also add a subtle seasoning to stewed or boiled dishes.