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Jiu zhi tang 오계백봉환

상세 설명
상표:Jiu Zhi Tang


Blackberry, antler gum, vinegar turtle, warning oyster, mulberry cuttlefish, ginseng
Huang Qi, Angelica, White Lu, Vinegar Fragrant, Asparagus, Licorice, Rehmannia glutinosa, Rehmannia glutinosa
Chuanxiong, Yinchaihu, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Chinese yam, Gorgon, antler cream, auxiliary materials are refined honey, rice wine

The sweet is dark brown to black big honey pill, taste, slightly bitter

Functions and indications:
To replenish qi and nourish blood, regulate menstruation and stop band, for qi and blood deficiency, weak body, sore waist and knees, unregulated for a week, take it off
Oral, 1 pill once a day 2 times a day